March 20, 2023: “Controlling molecular photoisomerization in photonics cavities through polarity funneling” presented by Inki Lee, Columbia University
September 28, 2022: "Electric field effect in Diels-Alder cyclization by homogeneous ionic catalyst system” presented by Jinwoo Kim, Columbia University
May 11, 2022: “Electric Field Influence on Amine Acylation” presented by Adam Wang, Columbia University
April 27, 2022: "Solvent Effects on the first electric field catalyzed bond cleavage reaction” presented by Cedric Schaack, Columbia University
April 13, 2022: "Electric Field Induced Coupling Reactions with Nickel Complexes" presented by Nick Orchanian, Columbia University
November 12, 2021: Seminar presented by Wei Min, Columbia University
October 15, 2021: Seminar presented by Timothy Berkelbach, Columbia University
August 18, 2021: The Academic Job Market Workshop
August 16, 2021: CCI Undergraduate Symposium
July 21, 2021: Seminar presented by Yogi Surendranath, MIT
July 14, 2021: Seminar presented by Jahan Dawlaty, University of Southern California
May 19, 2021: Research meeting with Nick presenting his research.
April 9, 2021: Research meeting with Ilana presenting her research.
April 2, 2021: Research meeting with Cedric and Ilana presenting their research.
March 5, 2021: Research meeting with Cedric and Adam presenting their research.
February 5, 2021: Research meeting with Claudia and Norah presenting their research.
October 2, 2020: We have a brainstorming meeting to discuss reactions to investigate.
July 31, 2020: We hold a pre-launch science meeting over zoom to discuss science and education projects.